WalkinMan's Review of The
Continuing Voyage 8/12:
I just finished playing through the entire game and I quite
enjoyed it. For those who haven't downloaded the game and are
interested in a
sequel to Judgment Rites (JR) and 25th Anniversary (25), I recommend
The Continuing Voyage.
It has a storyline which is expansive in scope and classically
particularly TOS in style.
The missions do progress somewhat in difficulty and towards the final
it became even more interesting and different. I liked also how the
had variety between formats, from espionage to exploration to conflict.
range from outer space to deep tunnels in alien planets and starships
The music includes a lot of cues from the Astral Symphony, a soundtrack
really enjoy. Some of the cues were
uniquely appropriate, as in funny or dramatic.
This game comes the closest yet to replicating the experience of JR/25
in terms
of the storyline, scripting, and the nature of the puzzles. I found
some of the
puzzles genuinely entertaining, some very difficult and searched for
hints. The
puzzles reminded me of 25/JR, and in some cases also the Myst series.
it's deciphering symbols, or assembling a device to achieve an
objective, or
opening a door/portal, these were interesting and challenging, and yes
at times
frustrating. The experience is very familiar to the adventure game
I would recommend talking to the landing party members when dealing
with certain
challenges, and scanning with the tricorder. Sometimes, when a screen
pops up
(such as a console or something) talking to the landing party members
scanning will give hints.
Definitely helpful to scan each room/environment while observing the
tags which
appear on the lower left of the screen, that makes clear where things
are. On a
few occasions there is a spot one can walk into but it may be somewhat
hidden/unclear. The tags are the way to see that.
There are also a few instances when speed is required, and a specific
item or character must be selected. Fortunately, the game offers a
point after you are killed/fail the mission, which is very helpful in
lieu of
an in-game save function. It is also helpful that the mission codes are
to allow access to different levels of progression. With regards to the
(letters, numbers, notes) in the game, I recommend writing them down.
It helps
that, unlike JR/25, the game is in a window which allows one to use a
file/notepad program in the background to save notes.
The environments are scenes drawn from existing games, and I recognized
environments from 25th anniversary (science labs, offices etc),
Judgment Rites
(guard tower, space station interior), ST TNG A Final Unity (The Unity
Voyager Elite Force (TOS mods), Riven (Gehn's office), Myst IV
(Tomahna), etc.
These sources are credited by the game, and the integration, while
generally works. I particularly liked the backdrops from games I had
not played
before--the watchtower/Tirion planet with waterfall, and another planet
particularly beautiful (Syberia?).
I also liked how Spock and McCoy's debates were included, and how each
TOS bridge
character had moments to contribute. Ultimately the game's plot was a
extension of the themes of JR in particular, along with elements of A
Unity, and an overall independent story all of its own. There was
definitely a
connection to a certain 3rd season TOS episode, and shades of TNG's
"Conspiracy" as well which was a cool recipe for the game's
multi-mission arc. I really enjoyed it...and considering the effort
that went
into it, it is very impressive for a fanmade game. I wished that the
genre continued, and with fans taking off where companies such as
began, that is now a reality.